lake superior

7 Interesting Facts About Lake Superior

What’s so great about the Great Lakes? - Cheri Dobbs and Jennifer Gabrys

The Ice Beard Surfers of Lake Superior | Local Legends

10 Awesome Facts About Lake Superior

Why Lake Superior is so Amazing

What Makes Lake Superior So Superior?

The Mysteries Of North America's Great Lakes | Naked Science | Spark

Are the Great Lakes actually seas?

5 fascinating lakes geography facts

Lake Michigan: The Deadliest Great Lake

The Edmund Fitzgerald Mystery

Freshwater Hurricane Lake Superior October 10 2018

It's only a matter of time

The Lake That Never Gives Up Her Dead

10 Mysteries Lurking Underneath the Great Lakes

11-Day / 235km Wilderness Camping Trip on Powerful Lake Superior


46 years after sinking, Edmund Fitzgerald visit still haunts Michigan diver

Drain The Great Lakes of America | Secrets of the Freshwater Oceans

Ghost Ships of the Great Lakes: Lost Beneath the Waves (Full Episode) | National Geographic

World’s Toughest Boat Trips | The Great Lakes, USA | Free Documentary

How Deep are the Great Lakes?

Lake Superior and the Midcontinent Rift: the billion year story

Surfing Lake Superior in sub zero winter